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Improving Your Landscape With These Helpful Tips

Feb 24


Don't be fooled by those who try to tell you that landscaping is too hard to do yourself. There are many things that the average home owner can do with the right guidance. This article will try to guide you through the things that you can do, this very weekend.

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If you are trying to install a patio that is made of concrete you should make sure that it is not incredibly large. The average patio size is 12 to 14 feet and having something that is much larger than that will only lead to the creation of more heat.

Before you start landscaping modifications, gain a better understanding of where your utility wires and other structures are located. Check to make sure that there are not any underground cables or pipes prior to digging. Also contact your municipal government to find out where all underground items, like pipes and wires, are located before you dig.

Try to promote deep root growth with your lawn. You can accomplish this through proper fertilization and watering, thatch control, and keeping an eye on the height of your grass. By having deep root growth, you will not have to water your grass as often, and it is less likely to suffer from drought.

Befriend your neighbors. You might be able to share costs when you rent equipment or buy large quantities of landscaping supplies together. Offer to help your neighbors with their landscaping project and they will probably help you with yours. Let people borrow your tools and talk about creating a common tool collection.

Proper use of foliage and evergreens offer great continuity and flow to your landscaping. If you use only plants that blossom for a short period, there will be times when your yard is empty. Interspersing evergreen plants into your flower beds will ensure that your yard is never without greenery.

Before beginning a landscaping project, go to a home improvement or gardening store first to ensure you have the right equipment. Home Depot and other popular big box retailers not only carry everything you need, but also have knowledgeable staff who can provide advice and recommendations to help you on your next project.

Always wear proper safety gear when doing any landscaping projects. This includes wearing good strong gloves to protect your hands. Wear eye protection when using any power saws or tools. And remember to protect your skin from the sun by wearing long-sleeved shirts or a good sun screen lotion and a hat.

If you are a pet owner, and you will be using chemicals to take care of your landscaping needs, be aware of which products you are using. Many of these chemical can make your pet sick, and some could even kill them. If you are unsure of which products are safe, ask the store in which you are purchasing them.

When purchasing plants for your yard, be sure you pick ones that are local to your area. This way, you know that your climate is not too harsh on the plants. Also, make sure you know what kind of care is involved for the plants that you choose to purchase.

If you are planning to hire a landscape professional to design your yard, be certain to get a price quote in writing. Many landscapers under-bid a project to get the business and then find they have to ask for more money. If the quote is in writing, they must honor their original price.

Think about the climate where you live as you choose the plants you want to use. Although you might prefer some plants, there's no point in growing them if they will ultimately die. You also have to think about wind, sunlight, and precipitation such as rain or snow before you decide on plants.

It would be wise for you to put in a walkway to your landscape or garden design. You can do this by using mulch or stones. Without having one, you may end up stepping on your plants or garden, causing damage. It will also make your overall landscape look more professional.

Don't keep putting off your dream project because you can't afford to do it all at once. Depending on how large your landscaping project is, you can do the project in phases and learn new things every step of the way. With the right additions, it is possible to create a look that is even more appealing than you ever thought possible.

Creating curb appeal is key to selling your home. A green, healthy lawn and some landscaping stones, even something like a birdbath, can bring prospective buyers more quickly than dead, brown grass and a bleak landscape!

Having a home has lots of joys and proud moments. If you take the time to make the exterior of your home look well-decorated, clean and maintained, through landscaping, then you will get to experience one of those moments of pride, as you stand back and look at your own handy work.

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